What is a Professional Skills for Academic Success Badge

Earners of this badge have participated in the Graduate Greatness series, where they have strengthened their understanding of core areas essential to all professionals. Earners became familiar with skills such as task prioritization, effective time and project management, efficient communication with stakeholders, and impactful presentation delivery. They have also explored the research lifecycle and learned to leverage professional networks for career advancement.

How do I earn my Badge?

You earn your Badge by completing the following steps:

  • You need to register for the event on EventBrite and participate in at least four Zoom Graduate Greatness webinar sessions at Northeastern University.
  • You need to complete two questions asked during live Zoom webinar for at least four of the sessions.
  • You need to submit a required student acknowledgment in Canvas by October 25, 2024.

What is a Digital Badge?

A digital badge issued by Northeastern University is a visual micro-credential that shows that you have engaged in skill development at a specified level. When you click on the image of a digital badge, you can see when it was issued, the skills covered, and the earning criteria. This transparency is what creates the badge’s credibility in the marketplace, and shows people who see your digital resume, website or LinkedIn profile concrete examples of your skill development.

How Can I Share My Digital Badge?

We make it easy for you to share your badge on your social media or incorporate them in your professional branding tools like a resume or website. This is a great way to communicate your skills and competencies with employers, colleagues, and professional networks.

The following sharing avenues are available through our badging partners:

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Via email
  • Embed it in a website
  • Place the badge on an electronic resume

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve registered via Eventbrite for Graduate Greatness, what else do I need to do?

Does the registration close?

You can register at any time for the course. However to earn a badge, you need to participate in at least four Graduate Greatness Sessions. Session schedule:

Graduate Greatness: Professional Skills
5-SepSMART Time Management for Busy People 
12-SepProject Management Challenges and Solutions 
19-SepCommunication Strategies for Effective Cross-Cultural Collaborations 
26-SepEffective and Engaging Presentation Skills: From Pre-Planning to a Standing Ovation 
10-OctResearch Lifecycle 
17-OctNetworking and Professional Development 
24-OctCareer Planning and Job Search Strategies 

Are the sessions recorded?

Yes, sessions will be recorded and posted to canvas after each session. While you can view recorded materials asynchronously, only live webinar participation will be counted towards the badge.

How do you check participation in the course?

During the webinar, you will be asked two questions by our instructors. A link to the questions will be posted via chat. To answer the questions you will have to log into Canvas using your NU credentials. Only people who self-register to the course ahead of the first webinar will have access.

What is the process of receiving the Badge, after the event concludes?

You will receive an automated email from Digital Badging with a link to your digital badge. Please note that because it is an automated notification, it may be filtered as your junk mail. You can also log in at https://northeastern.badgr.com/ to view and share your badge.  Additional resources can be found here.